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Oxfordshire Therapy & Self-Development Centres
1-to-1 Counselling & Psychotherapy - Group Therapy & Workshops in Oxford and Witney

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Placements for Trainees

As a trainee, you are entitled to feel uncertain about the options and difficulties in finding a placement that will support you as an individual. At its core, OTS believes that all of us, experienced and trainees alike need a community, support and to be treated as an individual in our own journey through the profession. This approach is what you will find in getting to know us!

OTS run a low-cost counselling and psychotherapy service for the benefit of clients (mainly adults at this point) who are seeking therapy, but cannot afford the full fees. We are therefore offering placement opportunities for trainees and newly qualified practitioners.

What we offer you:

1. Free fortnightly group supervision & professional development groups.

2. The opportunity to be paid for your work whilst you train (subject to your training organisation’s guidelines), with clients in long-term and short-term work.

3. A diverse and vibrant multi-modal community of practitioners providing opportunities for your further development with regular meetings, CPD training days and social events.

4. The opportunity to be involved in OTS with the aims of making therapy more accessible through groups, free talks and workshops, and our low-cost service.

5. We will refer clients to you who are suitable for your level of skill and ability.

6. OTS has two centres OTS-Witney Therapy Centre and OTS-Oxford Therapy Centre. Many of our members see clients at our centres, and also in other venues across Oxfordshire.

7. In applying to join OTS, there is more available to you than just a placement. You have the opportunity to join (initially as a student member) and be supported by a community of practitioners, through your training and as you move into professional practice.

8. As a student member of OTS, you are eligible to attend our monthly meetings, our training days and social activities as well as being able to access personal and professional development groups to enhance your practice.

OTS is committed to excellence, reflective practice, transparency and evaluation. To find out more about the aims and values of the OTS community, we invite you to look at:

The Process of Applying:

If you are interested in a placement with OTS:

  • Please contact the OTS Placement Coordinator - by email here
  • The Co-ordinator will advise you as to the timing of the process
  • The next step will be to come to an introductory talk
  • You will then be invited to complete an application form (below)
  • You will then be invited to attend a training and assessment event
  • You will then be told whether we are offering you a placement

    Joining the OTS Community
    What Our Members Say About Us

    And have a read of the article which launched OTS in 2015:

    Towards a Broader Therapeutic Response Environment


    If you are interested in a placement with OTS, please contact the OTS Placement Coordinator - by email here

    It is recommended that you send a brief email expressing your interest, and come to an introductory talk before you fill in the application form.

  • OTS Placement Application.

    Personal details (*indicates required fields)



    Current Practice Address(s) (if relevant):



    Brief description of your career to date and previous career history. We don’t require a full CV, just an overview of time spent doing what jobs.

    What kinds of personal therapy have you undertaken (Please list the modality, length and frequency and when it occurred)?

    What training qualification are you currently studying for?

    What level is it?

    Where are you training? Please provide more than just the acronym.

    What Supervision arrangements have you got currently?

    What counselling/therapy trainings have you completed, and what qualifications did you gain (include dates, total training hours, organisation)?

    Which professional bodies are you currently a member of?

    Brief description of your practice and work experience - client groups, problem types etc.
    (include approximate total number of client hours, and years in practice)

    When would you like and/or need to start a placement?

    Anything else you would like us to know?

    The OTS Quarterly Newsletter

    Our newsletter keeps you updated on our free talks, workshops, groups and items of interest.
    You can unsubscribe at any time.

    *Would you like to receive our newsletter:   Yes   No

    Thank you for completing this form.

    Once you have submitted your form below you will be be sent an email confirming it has been received, and we will contact you personally shortly afterwards. In the meantime if you have any questions, please email us.

    Before submitting your form please read our Privacy Policy.


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