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Oxfordshire Therapy & Self-Development Centres
1-to-1 Counselling & Psychotherapy - Group Therapy & Workshops in Oxford and Witney

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Therapy Groups

"Working with a likeminded group is an amazing learning experience and a great opportunity for growth and healing."
See what others say, further down in the right hand sidebar of this page!

Groups: We are offering 2-hour low-cost Therapy Groups in Oxford from £15 per session, and a 2.5-hour group in Witney. Groups are all run on weekly basis for 3 terms a year, and are ongoing groups.

‘Relationship with our self and with each other is the most important and complex aspect of life. Yet we are very naïve about it. We are not prepared for how complex and absorbing it is. There is no user’s manual. Considering the impact relationships have on us, much more is needed if we are to have ‘better’ relationships with ourselves, and with others, especially our intimate others.’

Low-Cost Therapy & Self-Development Groups
Group Therapy in Witney
Talks, Workshops & Taster Sessions

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Witney Therapy Group

Therapy Groups – Witney
This is an open-ended groups with a general focus.

  • Weekly Group Time & Day: Tuesday 7pm – 9.30pm

    How we relate to ourselves and others is at the heart of how we experience life and respond to the various difficulties and challenges that being human entails. Throughout our lives, we all develop ‘habitual’ ways of relating, behaving, feeling and perceiving. But as neuroscience research now supports, we are often on auto-pilot, and not fully aware of all of our habitual patterns. These patterns are likely to manifest in a therapy group, and many people find it to be a very productive setting and an unusually safe place for exploring and experimenting with these habitual patterns.

    It is in the nature of group therapy that you will be invited to explore new ways of relating. However, there is no expectation that you will stretch yourself beyond your willingness, as it is important that the group develops as a safe place; when we try out new things, we don't try them out in a dangerous situation, we try them out in a safe place. Group therapy is a very rare and unusual creative social space precisely because there is this balance between safety, and a commitment to explore and experiment.

    The group, with a diversity of members, becomes a microcosm of our lives, and grows more effective and efficient over time, as you learn to use the group to experiment and to reflect on the different responses and reactions each member has, enabling you to discover new ways of living more joyously, harmoniously and effectively.

    Justin worked for many years as an integrative relational psychotherapist (now working as a self-development specialist) and will support group members in developing relationships with each other to support each person’s individual goals.

    How groups work & why they are so effective


    An initial interview will be required, and in the first instance, you should complete the short application form linked below.

    You are asked to make a commitment to coming for the first 12 weeks, as this is needed for you to settle into the group. After 9 weeks, you are asked if you want to continue with the group beyond the 12-week point, to allow for a short period of ending if you aren’t continuing. Ongoing group members are asked to give about 12 weeks notice if they intend to leave the group, again to allow for ending well. The group runs for approximately 40 weeks each year, with dates planned in advance.

    Group Leader:
    Justin Smith

    Witney Therapy Centre
    2a Corn Street
    OX28 6BL
    Location Map

    You can apply to join either group, as new members join at intervals throughout the year if a space becomes available.

    These groups are suitable for most people seeking group therapy, though an initial interview will help to clarify this, or whether a group with a more specific focus for example would be a better option.

    Between £20 - £45 per session payable monthly in advance. Fee to be discussed at interview according to affordability.

    Interview fee:
    £52 payable only after your application has been received and acknowledged.

    At least 10% of all fees above £30 go to fund any reduced fee places.

    Apply here to join one of these groups

    Click here to return to therapy groups

  • Talks, Workshops & Taster Sessions

    We offer free talks, taster sessions and workshops at our OTS-Oxford Therapy Centre & OTS-Witney Therapy Centre on Thursday evenings and weekends. You will find up-to-date details on all our talks and workshops which include such topics as

  • Knowing Yourself & Being Effective!
  • Group Therapy Taster Session – what is it & why would I do it?
  • Everything you always wanted to ask about therapy …

    for the public and professionals via these links:

    Public Talks, Taster Sessions & Workshops
    Practitioner Talks & Workshops

  • Low-cost Therapy & Self-Development Groups

    Low-cost Therapy & Self-Development Groups.

    These groups are intended to be:

  • Psycho-educational
  • Supportive of your life and relationships
  • Developmental in terms of your capacity for joy, peacefulness, and effectiveness in your relationships

    The groups will explore concepts including:
  • How we communicate
  • What contributes to healthy relationships and unhealthy ones
  • Why life seems so difficult
  • What is the real self and the false self
  • What makes us who we are – including how our brain, character and personality develop
  • How to be more fully ourselves, as an alternative to being based largely on our early imprinting
  • Authenticity, shame, forgiveness, addiction, conflict, needing and wanting, reality, etc…

  • Successful group applicants are asked to join for a minimum initial 10-14 week term to see if the group is right for them.
  • Any new group members would join at the beginning of each term, and any members leaving would say goodbye at the end of a term.

    The cost is £15 - £25 per session (A limited number of the lower concessionary rates are available. Please mention this when applying, if you require one)

    There will be 3 terms in each year, which will be for 10 - 14 weeks in length, with breaks for Christmas, Easter, and Summer. The exact length will be dependent on different group leaders’ holidays.

    Who are the groups for?
  • Anyone who is not a practicing counsellor
  • If you are already in therapy or have had therapy, they will support your process of handling life and relationships
  • If you haven’t had therapy but would like to explore having more supportive and authentic relationships

    Initially, all you need to do is complete our on-line application form in the link below the information for the groups. Please state which group leader(s) groups you want to be considered for (You can select one or more). We will then be in touch with you regarding the next step in you applying to join.

    At this time, there is one group - see below.

    Group Leader: Aisha Darr
    Venue: OTS-Oxford Therapy Centre
    Time & Day: Thursday, 19:00 – 21:00

    Aisha’s perspective on her group:
    At certain points we experience life as difficult and complex. This stems in part from the thought that we are alone in feeling our concerns and fears.

    The group allows us to realise that we are not in fact alone and there are others who share similar feelings.

    By allowing us to explore the paradox of our shared feelings on the one hand and our unique responses to our world on the other, a group offers us the opportunity not only of self-exploration but also of experiencing ourselves in relation and in response to others.

    It provides a space of acceptance and empathy, tempered with curiosity and challenge, in which we may share our stories, learn from each other and practice new behaviours.

    As a group leader, I work towards providing and maintaining a space conducive for sharing and questioning and by supporting the group process through psychoeducation and individual focus.

    What do next:
    Please compete the application form linked below, stating whose/which group(s) you want to be considered for. Please note there will be 3 joining points each year at the start of the Autumn, New Year and Summer terms.
    Apply here to join one of these groups

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